Billing FAQ

How does the free trial work?

Your first 14 days are completely free. You can cancel any time during the trial period and pay nothing.

How do I cancel?

Go to the Billing section of the Dashboard, scroll down and click "Manage Subscription", then "Cancel Subscription". Then on the next screen, click "Confirm Cancellation".

What payment methods do you support?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and PayPal. We also accept bank transfers and Bitcoin for annual pre-payments.

Are my payment details safe?

Completely. We don't store any payment information ourselves. Instead, we use a payment processor called Stripe, who are a global leader in the payments industry.

Are there any optional extras?

Plush has everything you need, including premium hosting, SSL, spam filtering, global CDN and hourly backups.

Do you limit the number of pageviews or users?

Pageviews and user accounts are unlimited. Our plans are based on the number of online members. Guest users are not tracked.

Usually only a small proportion of members are active at a given moment, so Plush generally works out much cheaper than services that charge per pageview.

What's the difference between a member and a guest?

A member is someone with an account on your site, browsing while logged in. Guests are anonymous users who aren't logged in. Guests usually outnumber members on public sites.

How do your plans work?

Our plans are based on the maximum number of simultaneous logged-in members. In most forums, only a very small percentage of members will be online at a given moment. Our customers run large forums with ease on our smallest plan.

What happens if I go over my plan limit?

Your forum users will not be affected. If you go over the limit on a number of occasions, we'll ask you to upgrade to a larger plan.

Can you support more users?

Yes, please contact us to discuss a custom plan.

Do you offer a discount for annual payment, or for non-profits?

We don't, but our standard rates are very competitive. We offer the same great value pricing to all customers.

How do I change the credit card used for my subscription?

You can do so via the Billing section of your Dashboard.

How do I add my address and VAT number to my invoices?

Go to the Billing section of your Dashboard and add your details there.

Do you offer refunds?

We don't. You have the freedom to cancel any time with a couple of clicks. We send reminders when a trial is expiring, and clearly show your payment schedule in the Billing section of the dashboard.

Can I extend my trial?

Sorry, no. This might seem ungenerous, but we've found the best policy is to treat everyone equally.

Can I pay by Direct Debit?

Yes, UK customers can pay by Direct Debit from their bank account. Sign up for a free trial using a card or PayPal, then email us to have Direct Debit enabled on your account.

Can I pay by bank transfer?

Yes, we accept annual pre-payments by bank transfer in USD, EUR and GBP. Please email us to arrange payment.

Can I pay using bitcoin?

Yes, we accept annual pre-payments using Bitcoin. Please email us to arrange payment.

Can I pay yearly?

Yes, please email us to confirm you want to switch to annual billing. Your default payment method will be charged for 12 months service in advance.

Ready to try Plush? Free for 14 days, cancel any time.